LJA is for the leaders who stand out in the crowd, and the wallflowers who blend into the background.
The moon-gazers who imagine orbiting in space, and those who haven’t quite found their place.
The tinkerers who think outside-of-the-box, and the creatives who like to wear mismatched socks.
The innovators who want to change the world one day, and the writers who will use their words to light the way.
The quiet ones searching for their own voice, and the helpers who believe kindness is the only choice.
The questioners who get others to pause and think and the artists that draw with bright-colored ink.
The twirlers, stand-stillers and those embracing their own moves, and the gentle souls starting to find their groove.
The strangers who become friends, and the friends who become family in the end.
This is where students become scholars. This is where you become ... well, the best version of YOU!
8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Scholars may be dropped off after 8:15 am and must be picked up by 3:10 p.m.
3 p.m. to 4:00p.m.
After-care includes supervised homework time. Cost is $10/day per scholar.
Scholars who have not been picked up by 3:10 p.m. will be required to attend our LJA after-school care, and their families will be asked to pay the $10 daily fee. Learn more about after-school care options here.
School bus transportation is available for scholars who live within the St. Paul Public Schools bus boundary. To request transportation, please contact us.
Scholars can pack their meals or purchase nutritious meals at school. To pay for meals, use the JMC Parent Portal (processing fee applied) or send cash/check to the LJA Main Office. To determine if you qualify for free or reduced meals, complete the Educational Benefits Application.
At LJA, brain breaks are part of the school day. Scholars have a 30-minute outdoor recess every day, participate in community service projects, and travel for field trips, such as roller skating and tubing. We also host a schoolwide Track and Field Day in the spring.
LJA scholars love to express themselves! Whether through painting, singing, or playing an instrument, art and music classes help our scholars develop a deeper appreciation for the world around them and help them cultivate their voices. Our music and art courses encourage self-expression, foster a love of the arts, and provide opportunities for personal growth and exploration.
Learning the Spanish language and culture can have significant benefits for scholars, including a better understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures, improved communication skills, and the ability to think more globally. Through Spanish education, scholars expand their horizons and explore new perspectives, developing skills that can help them become more informed and aware global citizens.
Our athletics program keeps scholars active and teaches them about teamwork. Become a LJA MVP by participating in soccer, basketball, volleyball or Girls on the Run, a national program that concludes with a non-competitive 5K run. We also partner with Avalon for ultimate frisbee and with the St. Paul Parks and Recreation League for lacrosse.
Our after-school clubs and activities allow scholars to tap into their interests and develop leadership skills. Take center stage in our annual school play or learn about Korean pop culture with our K-Pop Club. Other clubs include Fermi Math Club, Dungeons and Dragons Club and Technovation.
Have an idea for a new student club? Let your teacher know, and we will work to support your interests.
Meet Our Staff
We look forward to getting to know your child. LJA classrooms are dynamic places where caring teachers nurture a lifelong love of learning.